Resources & Referrals
Below is a list of local Sarasota and Bradenton businesses that we have found to be great resources for families in the prenatal and postpartum phase.
This is not our extensive list, please contact us if you have any questions or a specific referral need at Suncoastdoula@gmail.com
Lifesong Midwifery, Homebirth, 941-423-4342
Summit Maternity Care Center Birth Center, 941-249-4915
Redemption Midwifery, Homebirth, 202-702-9661
Dr. Sullivan (VBACs, High-Risk, Twins) Delivers at SMH, 941-203-5000
Holly Jackson (Hospital Midwife), Affiliated with SWOR women's care, 941-330-8885
Kris Robinson, (Hospital Midwife), Affiliated with University OBGYN, 941-359-8300
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
Warrior Physical Therapy, Sarasota, 941-347-0989
Yoder Physical Therapy & Wellness, Sarasota, 941-227-4855
Jessica Miles Photography, Birth 941-504-9583
Cara Moriarty Photography, Maternity, Newborn, Family 941-961-9603
Finding the Light Photography, Maternity, Newborn, Family 941-549-7959
Nanny Services
Twinkle Toes, Sarasota & Bradenton, 727-386-9115
Brittany Jones- Newborn Specialist & Night Nanny, 813-471-7185
Material Items Support
Mothers helping Mothers, Sarasota, 941-953-7572
Sarasota Pregnancy Center, 941-330-2273
Prenatal/Postpartum Herbalist
Sovereign Healing Co., Sarasota & Bradenton, 941-302-3893
Heart to Heart Counseling, Sarasota, 941-228-6545
Tammy Young, Trauma Counseling
Kelly Humbarger Therapy, Trauma Counseling, Virtual, (941) 500-4096
Dr. Katie Pollak, Birth/Postpartum Counseling, Virtual, 813-603-8181
Forty Carrots Postpartum Support Group 941- 365-7716
Prenatal Massage
A Heavenly Touch Massage Therapy, Sarasota, 941-928-5116
Kingdom Wellness Massage, Sarasota, 941-376-4217
Mind Body Works Massage, Sarasota, 941-222-2154
Revitalize Chiropractic, Sarasota, 941-404-1253
Harborside Chiropractic, Bradenton, 941-702-2822
Pinnacle Chiropractic, UTC, 941-822-8828
Lactation Support
Suncoast Doula, Bradenton & Sarasota, 502-751-8770
MOMMS PLACE, Bradenton, 941-745-6925
Melissa Cram at Woman Care Fertility and Wellness, 941-720-1485
Dr. Hu at Metta Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine, 941-587-6311
Sarasota Family Acupuncture, 941-264-7428

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